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Industrial Gases

Explore our comprehensive range of industrial gases, designed to meet the diverse needs of various industries and applications

Our Gases


Nitrogen is used in pressurization, purging and inerting in the petrochemical industry. The food and beverage industry also requires significant quantities of liquid and gaseous Nitrogen for its food processing applications.

In its liquid form, Nitrogen is used in rapid cooling and storage of biological material, cryosurgery and cryogenically grind plastics and rubbers. Nitrogen is also offered as a pure specialty gas under the brand ALPHAGAZ™, which is suitable for critical laboratory and analytic applications.



Huge volumes of industrial grade Oxygen is used to increase efficiency in a number of processes by reducing the amount of fuel used and decreasing Carbon Dioxide emissions in the Chemical, Oil and Gas industries.

Oxygen is commonly used in metal fabrication applications such as smelting, cutting and welding. Oxygen is also offered as a pure specialty gas under the brand ALPHAGAZ™, which is suitable for critical laboratory and analytic applications. 




Argon is used as a protective atmosphere for a large number of industrial processes, including steel manufacturing, welding and metal fabrication, electronics, food preservation and winemaking.

The ARCALTM brand pure argon and gas mixtures is available in four ready-to-weld products that cover practically any welding application. Each one is designed to be easy to use, reliable and efficient, when and where you need it. 

In laboratories, ultra-high purity ALPHAGAZTM brand argon is engineered for gas chromatography, zeroing and other analytical and process control applications. 


Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is used as a cryogenic fluid for processes such as tissue conservation, deep-freezing and fire extinction due to its non-combustible nature.

Food-grade carbon dioxide is used in carbonated beverages and for food processing applications such as chilling and freezing, modified atmosphere packaging and cold transportation.


Acetylene is a fuel gas that is used together with oxygen for welding metals and cutting steel, and also for allied oxy-acetylene processes for heating, forming and treating metals.



Hydrogen is used for the desulphurization of fuels, which prevents the formation of sulfur dioxide as the fuel is burned. It is also used to improve plasma welding and cutting operations.

Used in a fuel cell, hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, generating water as its only by-product. Air Liquide is present across the entire hydrogen supply chain, from production to storage, distribution and the development of end-user applications – thus helping to drive the widespread use of hydrogen as a clean energy to power materials handling, consumer automobiles and mass transportation.

Hydrogen is also offered as a pure specialty gas under the brand ALPHAGAZTM, which is suitable for critical laboratory and analytic applications.



Helium is used as a cryogenic agent to cool superconductive magnetic coils in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) medical equipment.

Aside from that, Helium is chemically inert and can be used to create an inert atmosphere for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) or Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding. It is also used for purging, annealing, sputtering, leak checking and etching applications in the Electronics industry. 

Helium gas with oxygen in diving tanks prevents the narcotic effect of nitrogen in deep waters. Industries with operations offshore rely on diving gases and breathing mixtures for subsea work.

The ALPHAGAZTM brand of pure helium has purity of up to 99.9999%, perfect for critical laboratory and analytic applications. 



Air is essential for combustion, decay and various industrial processes - including oxidation. It is often used for powering rotary equipment and atomize, spray, sand blast, agitate and cool equipment.